
This will be a very short blog today as I am about a month behind in my programming. I’m trying to put together the program which is like trying to assemble a four-dimensional jigsaw. I try to achieve balance by marrying experienced authors with new authors. I also want balance in the topics and genres we cover, in the representation of the publishing houses with whom we work and in author gender. Then I have to work around authors’ availability and all sorts of restrictions like Friday prayers and Saturday Sabbath. When it works it is fantastic but there is a lot of tearing-of-hair and kicking-the-cat before the program is put to bed.

Festival Director

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Posted on 25 May 2009, in MWF staff musings and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. I dips my lid, particularly after that Age report on the weekend about the incalculable nature of writerly cancellations.
    Sounds exciting though :-)

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