Too many diversions…

My four dimensional jigsaw – the program – is still waiting for me to finish it. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Diversions yesterday included meeting the charming new Cultural Attache from the Spanish Embassy in Canberra to discuss Spanish authors for 2010 and the publicity manager from Fremantle Press – also to discuss 2010. Seems a long way off. Also met with the Melbourne Community Foundation CEO to talk about ways of ensuring the long term financial stability of the festival. Fortunately we seem to be weathering the GFC well – our sponsorship and donations for this year have actually grown and exceeded last year. I suspect that reflects our move to Federation Square and moving centre-stage – higher profile, a bigger festival, more international guests, more media coverage (especially television) and higher attendance figures. Today, no diversions so have to finalise program. That’s a promise.

Fesitval Director

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Posted on 2 June 2009, in MWF staff musings and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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