
It’s been a wee bit nippy over the last few days. Oh Melbourne, you just wouldn’t be you if the weather was predictable.

We have four personal heaters scattered around the office, with a main office heater in one room, which is quite astonishing given that the office isn’t actually that large. There are patches of warmth and cold as you walk between rooms; if I was the superstitious type I’d wonder if we had ghost cooling the air with its presence. Now that gives me an idea, but where am I going to find a plain white sheet before Monday..

I do like the winter months; it gives me a chance to wear my selection of swanky gloves. I’m usually an elbow-length fingerless glove kind of girl (who would of thought it would get that specific) but I’m favouring a pair of black gloves with red skeleton fingers at the moment. It’s taking a bit of adjustment; sure, my fingers are warm, but it’s not nearly as handy when I need nibble digit action for, say typing (or changing songs on my iPod). Sometimes we have to make sacrifices for something special. 

Really, one of the reasons I love the next few months in Melbourne, FULL BLOWN FESTIVAL SEASON. Film Festival, MWF, Fringe, Arts Festival > I feel a joyful tear just thinking about it. It’s such an exciting time to be in this city. Summer ain’t got nothin’.

Festival Administrator

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About Louise

I like festivals.

Posted on 13 June 2009, in MWF staff musings and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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