Oh my aching ovaries!

Too much information? I don’t believe there’s any such thing. And as the pain in my reproductive organs is making it difficult to concentrate, I can’t think of anything less self-indulgent to write about.

As my life is an open book (there’s the literary link!) I don’t mind telling you that I’m at the very beginning of IVF treatment. Hopefully the end result will be a healthy baby, but there’s a way to go first. I have been snorting and injecting since last Friday, and am all puffed up on hormones. Delightful.

So puffed up that I had to invest in some granny undies, as the regular variety were just not comfy anymore. (These ones are not actually that great either, and they are a truly hideous shade of apricot).

I’m going in for  a scan tomorrow to see if I’ve managed to grow eggs (not too many but just enough) and if so, when the ‘harvest’ will take place. I’ve always marvelled at the miracle of growing a human inside another human’s body, but this technological way of doing things is mind-blowing.

Trying to create a family this way makes we wonder how family trees will work in the future. I’ve been doing a bit of research, especially into my matriarchal line, and it’s very tricky. So far I’ve managed to go back as far as my great-great-great grandmother Esther Drusilla Grant who lived in England. But imagine trying to fit my generation onto a tree.

My brother was married and now has a new partner, 2 step-children and 2 daughters; my sister and her partner changed their names (long story) and have two boys who have slightly different surnames due to a glitch at the births, deaths and marriages office, and I’m hoping to have a child pretty much on my own.

If my great-great-great granddaughter one day tries to trace her ancestors, all I can say is good luck!

Development Manager

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Posted on 18 June 2009, in MWF staff musings. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. LOL! There’s a church in Bankside London called St Mary’s Ovarie. I’m sure it’s some quaint olde English word meaning godhead or saintly, but I always liked to take it literally.

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