This is the now

We’re all flat chat, it’s our big week of launches of all kinds,  and I know you are all rushing out first thing this Friday, 17th July, to buy your copies of The Age which will contain the festival program. And then, of course, straight to the festival website to book your tickets!

So,  very busy, very exciting, and I’m determined to  make time to read at least some of the authors coming to this year’s festival before too much time passes.  I’m currently enjoying John Boyne’s The House of Special Purpose, a mix of past and present, Tsarist Russia, modern England and wartime Europe.  I’m not sure yet whether its a tragedy or a romance; its a story of a life.  It’s certainly intriguing and compelling. How lucky we all are to be living in peaceful and prosperous times, here in Australia at this time.  It always stuns me how governments in all parts of the world still regard their people as an entity to be plundered, abused, dominated and terrorised; and then get surprised that their people rise up and protest.  The old quote is so often ignored. Stupid as well as immoral.

I”m also dipping into David Kilcullen’s The Accidental Guerrilla and Catherine Therese’ The Weight of Silence. And will give them both the time they deserve once this week is over and the festival is well and truly launched.

All our hard work coming to fruition. Wonderful.

Festival Manager

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About MWF (Chris Flynn)

Chris Flynn is the editor of Torpedo. He writes regularly for The Book Show on ABC Radio National, The Big Issue, The Vine, 3000 & Australian Book Review. In 2010 his work appears in Meanjin, Kill Your Darlings & Harvest. He runs a weekly Storytelling night in St Kilda, where he lives.

Posted on 17 July 2009, in Author info, Book reviews, MWF events, MWF info, MWF staff musings. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Catherine Therese

    Huge congrats to all on an inspired programme! Can’t wait to listen, learn and share.

  2. Hi, was John Boyne’s masterclass on historical fiction (22nd Aug) cancelled? I can’t seem to find it in the program now?

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