Mail is fun

Postcard mail bookingI love mail. I would roll around in mail if it wasn’t rather inappropriate. One of my pleasures is sending unexpected packages to people (or organisations – Polyglot Puppet Theatre, you know who you are). For no reason at all other than it’s 2am, I have some plastic dinosaurs, and there are people I know would like to have them. Or I feel like writing a letter about the day because something interesting happened, and though I’ll see my friends before the weekend, still, a letter seems good and proper and right for the moment.

The festival post is mostly invoices and cheques these days. But I’d like to make special reference to the person who posted their program booking on the back of a postcard. This postcard in fact. It’s so cute!

Festival Administrator

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About Louise

I like festivals.

Posted on 23 July 2009, in MWF staff musings and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. With you on the mail thing, I’ve got 18 penpals. When I mention I’ve written a letter, people go “What, an email?” and I say “No, you know, a letter. On writing paper. In an envelope. Via Australia Post.” You’d think I’d said I could fly.

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