Quick Digital Publishing Links…

Hi All,

I’d just read two articles from the online magazine Slate and I wanted to point you to them. One was a recent editorial which spoke of how Kindle has paved the way for book-banning’s digital future, while the second was an article from the end of February on how Amazon’s amazing e-book reader is bad news for the publishing industry. Time for some Kindle bashing eh?

Steve Grimwade
Associate Director

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Posted on 27 July 2009, in MWF staff musings and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Hmm, unfortunately it is not completely unwarranted. Cory Doctorow isn’t terribly happy either,

  2. There is an excellent article by Nicholson Baker about the Kindle reading experience on the New Yorker today.

  3. Thanks Melanie. Nicholson Baker’s a funny/insightful writer. But why do Americans forgo the first name and go for two last names instead? (Sorry. I should be more serious.)

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