Gone and done.

Small Press Underground Networking Community Extravaganza

Shaun Tan, Writer in Residence at MWFBook artist Nicholas Jones

Anita at Craft HatchMax BarryReadings

A few last things: Thomas Buergenthal signing a young lawyer’s copy of his book with a salutation to her future career as a human rights lawyer; Hitomi Kanehara and the ten sleepers in her ear; a room full of people celebrating sex with Krissy Kneen, Linda Jaivin and Nikki Gemmell; MJ Hyland and that jibbering microphone; another MJ and Thriller at the Toff; the exhortation to contemplate the future of the book; a missed rendezvous between Heidi Julavits, Eli Horowitz and Lord of the Fries; revisiting childhood wonder at maps with Reif Larsen; the poetry of domesticity with Chris Wallace-Crabbe; Jeff Sparrow and how we conceptualise killing; fiery rumpus on the parallel importation of books; chewy duck canapés; bourbon and bitters; one lost pair of shoes; two shaking arms and a heart full in all its chambers.

Estelle Tang, 3000 BOOKS
Festival Blogger

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Posted on 2 September 2009, in Guest posts and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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