A little bit of craftiness

The festival office has gone all quiet. We’re back down to five staff members only for roughly the next six months, and I’m starting to miss the windswept hijinks of festival time. I lie; there were few hijinks. High-pressure deadlines, but hijinks, not so much. If asked nicely I may be persuaded to make something up. Oh, the family have gone into the world to other jobs; don’t forget us guys!

We’re still wrapping up and debriefing; I personally have paid more invoices in one month than I thought existed in the entire history of the WORLD (again, not quite true). Today I met with the lovely Kim Brockett of Craft Victoria (meeting over at Craft Victoria in Flinders Lane more or less so that I could peruse the storefront and current exhibition). All agree; Craft Hatch @ MWF was a wonderful thing and brainstorming has begun for more ways to have craftiness in the festival. I’m writing a wish list. Lists are fun.

In the meantime, because everyones loves photos, here are some photos of Craft Hatch @ MWF 2009. I’ll be posting more photos of the festival in the weeks to come – keep an eye on this space. 

Photography: Jim Lee

Pictured: Zoe Churchill, Wah Wah Wears; Photography: Jim Lee

Pictured: Nicholas Jones; Photography: Jim Lee

Pictured: Nicholas Jones; Photography: Jim Lee

Pictured: Samantha Parsons, Studio Sam; Photography: Jim Lee

Pictured: Samantha Parsons, Studio Sam; Photography: Jim Lee

Louise Angrilli
Festival Administrator

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About Louise

I like festivals.

Posted on 14 October 2009, in MWF info, MWF staff musings and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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