Bret Easton Ellis: more tickets available at 11 am

Our allocation of Bret Easton Ellis tickets has completely sold out. However, don’t fret: The Wheeler Centre has more tickets, which go on sale at 11 am today. Visit The Wheeler Centre website to purchase tickets.

Posted on 16 July 2010, in Author info and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. This is bullshit. Your ticketing does not work and i have now missed out on a ticket.

  2. Can you please add another Brett Easton Ellis event. I missed out on ticketa and would love to see him. It sounds like a lot of other people did too.

  3. I agree. The ticketing information was limited. On the Wheeler Centre website all the information was that tickets would be on sale at 11am (July 16th) and how much they were. No information about where to actually purchase them so I could forward plan/navigate websites which are usually difficult at the best of times (and I am no grandma, I am 20 years old). And apparently the event was sold out even before 11am as tickets were released before this, even the night before. Completely irresponsible. Another event is definitely needed………………

  4. Please try your best to add another show. Im another one who missed tickets and this guy has been my favourite writer for years. Cmon… do it for the fans

  5. Me too! I was trying to buy a ticket for my partner for his birthday, but they sold out too quick. He’s been looking forward to it for ages, and was very very disappointed when I couldn’t get one.

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