Stories from the Street

The city is full of stories. Really, it is. We know because we put them there. If you’re wandering around Melbourne and happen to see some yellow footprints painted inside a circle, what you need to be able to see the stories we’ve hidden is one of our Stories from the Street booklets. There are 500 out there in various locations, so go a-hunting. (Hint: Readings is our official bookseller, so…)

Once you have said booklet, stand in the circle grasping it firmly ‘twixt your opposable thumbs (aren’t they useful?) as demonstrated by Helen below (squinting may be necessary, which is why it’s best to have someone like Juliette keep lookout lest the wind changes and you stay that way). Try out our different locations to see all the hidden tales.

Those fabulous chaps over at 3000 were totally on the ball as usual and talked all this up last week of course. Check out Brad Dunn’s post here.

The really clever ones amongst you might be able to find the answers on our site without having to hit the streets, but where’s the fun in that? Oh all right, if Readings have no booklets left, let me know and I’ll send you in the right direction.

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About MWF (Chris Flynn)

Chris Flynn is the editor of Torpedo. He writes regularly for The Book Show on ABC Radio National, The Big Issue, The Vine, 3000 & Australian Book Review. In 2010 his work appears in Meanjin, Kill Your Darlings & Harvest. He runs a weekly Storytelling night in St Kilda, where he lives.

Posted on 22 July 2010, in MWF info. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Fabulous idea. Can’t wait to discover these! Is it also de rigeur to wear a cute winter coat?

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