10 Facts About Books You Won’t Read In A Book About Books

In the lead up to the Writers Festival, I think it’s time to pop on our learning bonnets and discover 10 incredible actual factual facts about books

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Posted on 11 August 2010, in Guest posts and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Three thumbs up, sheer genius.

  2. Hilarious, very clever and funny, nice graphics. Loved the bit about using a book to fend off those idiots with nothing better to do than talk about reality TV etc. Cheers.

  3. Too funny! Eau de Regretful Grandpa… I now have a name for the old book smell.

  4. Facts are by definition truth and cannot (should) not be qualified by ‘actual or ‘factual’.
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