MWF 2010 authors on… dreams

Carol Bacchi

I am fascinated by the writing process. ‘What has this to do with dreams?’ you may well ask. In a recent interview in The Age, Bret Easton Ellis says: ‘So much of writing is like a dream, you’re not conscious …’. This reminded me of what Siri Husvedt describes in her new book The Shaking Woman: A History of My Nerves as the phenomenon of ‘automatic writing’, ‘the feeling that words are being dictated to the author rather than actually composed’, that a kind of collective unconscious helps us along. This, of course, is not to deny the agony of composition.

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Posted on 18 August 2010, in Author info and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. This waking dream business happens to me quite often. Some other level of consciousness kicks in and it is indeed as though the words are writing themselves. I reckon that as a writer, I can tap into a subconscious process that is far richer then the level at which I write a shopping list . . . It’s a moment of sheer exhilaration and I work though it, telling myself to shut up and listen.

    Composition is sheer discipline.

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