Portrait: Alex Miller by Beowulf Sheehan

© Beowulf Sheehan / Melbourne Writers Festival

New York based photographer Beowulf Sheehan has photographed more than 300 writers from around the world, including Salman Rushdie, Paul Auster, Chinua Achebe and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This year, he was invited to be a guest of the 2010 Melbourne Writers Festival.

‘My passions lie in celebrating and supporting those who have something to say, in the arts in the humanities, in culture, in politics,’ Sheehan says. ‘I gravitate to those with positive messages. I think life is a series of stories … the gift of the book is its ability to share those stories with untold numbers of people, and therefore those who write them are very special human beings indeed. It’s my honour and pleasure to be able to share a few moments with a great number of such human beings with such special talents, such luminaries here in Melbourne.’

Stay tuned to MWFblog for more of his intimate, exquisite portraits.

Posted on 3 September 2010, in Author info and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Thank you for the Miller portrait, so much to talk about in that face and that mien.

    Yes, we do gravitate to positive messages.

    Miller’s books talk about respecting the land; and about resillience.

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