Happy to be back: Angela Meyer blogging MWF 2012

@ Armadale Castle, Isle of Skye

Let me (re)introduce myself. My name is Angela Meyer, aka Ms LiteraryMinded, and I’ve been invited to blog for the Melbourne Writers Festival in 2012, joining Steph Convery and Mark Welker. I last blogged for the Melbourne Writers Festival in 2010. I’m also participating in the MWF program, but more on that soon…

A few random facts about me:

I am an experienced literary festival-goer, I’ve chaired and appeared on panels at Sydney Writers’ Festival, Ubud Readers and Writers Festival (in Bali), Perth Writers Festival, Byron Bay Writers Festival and many more.

I’m currently passionate about actor Anthony Perkins and spiral staircases. There is a scene in the film Goodbye Again (1961) where these are combined.

I write book reviews for various publications including the Australian and the Sydney Morning Herald and have been blogging about literature for more than five years.

I have big plans to attend the Edinburgh Book Festival next year, and to live in Scotland for a spell, drinking whisky, eating porridge and writing up a storm.

I’m at the awwwwwwwwww freak out! stage of a doctorate.

I eat a lot of hommus.

The most recent piece I had accepted for publication was an essay on Ghostbusters.

Pretty Perkins + spiral

You can read some of my short fiction in e-form.

I mainly read print books, even heavy ones that make my wrists ache like The Fortunes of Richard Mahony by Henry Handel Richardson (just finished).

I am the co-producer and presenter of an online literary show.I have a bit of a reputation for being the last person at the party (particularly at festivals) but the event I’m running at MWF this year may prevent me from living up to that…

Seeing David Bowie in 2004 was one of the best nights of my life.

I just started learning German (to read Kafka in the original) and then found out from a distant Dutch cousin that some of my ancestors lived, in the 1700s, in a tiny German village called Stapelmoor.

Posted on 29 June 2012, in MWF info and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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