(More than) five facts: Majok Tulba

Majok Tulba was born in Sudan and lives in Western Sydney with his wife and children. His debut novel is Beneath the Darkening Sky (read my review). Tulba is CEO of the charity SudanCare, made a film that was a finalist at Tropfest, and has been a recipient of the NSW Premier’s CAL Literary Centre Fellowship.


My favourite place in the world is my village, because of the memories and the beauty of the sky and the smell of the fresh air.

I’m currently reading Six Months in Sudan by Dr James Maskalyk.

The best thing about being a writer is sharing my ideas and stories with others.

When I was a child I wanted to be a storyteller, but no one makes any money by telling stories in the village. So I wanted to be a cattle keeper.

My favourite cocktail is American champagne—Coca cola.

My favourite artwork is a photograph by Kevin Carter showing a vulture and a child in Sudan. Because it captures the enormous tragedy of so much loss of life there. It’s haunting.

When I’m stuck, or need to take a break from writing, I take a walk to a park or grab my saucepan and make myself a BBQ.

The first thing I ever wrote was a recount about a lion attack in Sudan when I was sixteen. It had a great influence on me, because I realised I could tell a story and entertain people.

I hope that in/by reading my work, people will learn the power of courage and human spirit.

Majok Tulba will be discussing The Other Africa with Kwame Anthony AppiahUzodinma IwealaSefi Atta, and Arnold Zable on Friday 24 August at 2:30 pm, and will be reading from his work in The Morning Read session on Saturday 25 August at 10:00 am.

Posted on 31 July 2012, in Author info, MWF events and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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