Blogger Profiles

Stephanie Honor Convery

Stephanie Honor Convery

Stephanie Honor Convery is a Melbourne-based writer of fiction, non-fiction, criticism and commentary. Her work has been featured in Overland, Meanjin, on the ABC Drum, and in various other literary publications. She has just completed her first novel. She also blogs at Ginger & Honey and La Fille Mal Gardée. On Twitter she is @gingerandhoney.

Angela Meyer

Angela Meyer is a Melbourne-based writer and reviewer. Her short stories, reviews, articles and interviews have been published widely, including in the Sydney Morning Herald and the Australian. She’s a festival nerd and has chaired or appeared on panels at fourteen literary festivals over the past four years. She’s currently completing a novel as part of Doctor of Creative Arts in the Writing and Society Research Centre through the University of Western Sydney. She’s been blogging for over five years as LiteraryMinded; she tweets, has a Facebook page, and you can read some of her short fiction via this link.


Mark Welker

Mark Welker is a Melbourne-based short story writer, filmmaker and amateur recluse. His short stories have appeared in Griffith Review, dot dot dash and Andromeda Spaceways. His home away from home is and he commutes daily to Vimeo, Twitter and Instagram.