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Mail is fun

Postcard mail bookingI love mail. I would roll around in mail if it wasn’t rather inappropriate. One of my pleasures is sending unexpected packages to people (or organisations – Polyglot Puppet Theatre, you know who you are). For no reason at all other than it’s 2am, I have some plastic dinosaurs, and there are people I know would like to have them. Or I feel like writing a letter about the day because something interesting happened, and though I’ll see my friends before the weekend, still, a letter seems good and proper and right for the moment.

The festival post is mostly invoices and cheques these days. But I’d like to make special reference to the person who posted their program booking on the back of a postcard. This postcard in fact. It’s so cute!

Festival Administrator

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Turning Japanese

In the spririt of Ern, the orginal ur-text was translated to japanese and back  again to produce something far more superior. Transmission follows:
I was like a mystery and the thing in the Author Festival did for the reason that probably was ill-natured in a state that I must start a Japanese lesson. Fortunately, or, unfortunately, the office is endowed with celebrity – having 2 large-scale japanese experience that innumerable is cheerful. Thus the literature-like atmosphere was merely met with greenhouse gas generated by the excessive consumption of the IGA pie, but the investigation by yes is beautiful music! And the place where it is which it was disgusted with is the smell that and is terrible!
Next week: Monkeys and Shakespeare, who’d have thought?
Evil Steve
Box Office Manager

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One more calendar page

Eeek, we’ve turned another page on the calendar. That means there is only one more page turn until the box office goes on stream, and the website goes live. That’s pretty scarey.  (Where did May go?).

I’m looking forward to the irrepresible Steve Joyce coming on board as box office manager next week. Especially looking forward to handing all the ticketing preparation to him!  The schools program will be on the festival website, by the end of this week, and the schools program box office opens on Tuesday 9 June (for the schools program, not the main program).

Then once the main program is finalised, later this month, it’s full tilt getting the website built, the ticketing built and the box office installed.  We have about a fortnight to do this, so it’s intense.

But all the other things I’m organising are panning out well and I’m feeling slightly optimistic that everything will be done in good time this year.

Just wish those calendar pages would linger a little longer.

Festival Manager

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