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Bret Easton Ellis: more tickets available at 11 am

Our allocation of Bret Easton Ellis tickets has completely sold out. However, don’t fret: The Wheeler Centre has more tickets, which go on sale at 11 am today. Visit The Wheeler Centre website to purchase tickets.

Bret Easton Ellis tickets on sale tomorrow

In November of last year, Bret Easton Ellis tweeted the first sentence of Imperial Bedrooms: “They had made a movie about us.”

It’s many months down the track, but Imperial Bedrooms is on bookshop shelves all over Australia. Melbourne Writers Festival and The Wheeler Centre are proud to present a special pre-Festival event with Bret Easton Ellis.

Twenty-five years ago, Ellis defined a generation with his acclaimed debut Less Than Zero. Since then he’s gone on to write another four cult classics, shocking, stunning and disturbing readers around the world with his tales of the depravity and inhumanity of modern life. In The Rules of Attraction, Glamorama, Lunar Park and, unforgettably, American Psycho, he introduced us to the world of Bret Easton Ellis: mixing absurd comedy with a bleak vision and postmodern flair.

In his new book, Imperial Bedrooms, he returns to those characters who populated his debut. Where in Less than Zero they were disaffected teenagers, now a quarter of a century on, they face an even more fraught situation: middle age.

Ellis will appear at the Athanaeum Theatre on Friday August 13; he’ll be interviewed by Alan Brough. Tickets for this event go on sale at our ticketing page tomorrow at 11am.

Also, check out “The Devil in You“, the webgame designed to help you understand what it’s like to be an Ellisian Hollywood executive. (This link only for readers aged 18+.)

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