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Small talk

I’m sure people think we talk literature  at the festival office. Well, now and then, we do actually have conversations about (gasp) books. I remember having a conversation with Arnold Zable about yiddish literature and us both being rather surprised that he’d rung the festival office and we’d actually talked about writing!

But generally of course not.  Today for example we had a great conversation about Muumuus and whether we could get away with wearing them.  (Consensus was sadly no). And then the drama that is unfolding at MIFF; a staff member’s ‘princess shoes’, tram routes and whether living in Bentleigh East was too far away.

I did talk to ‘my’ artist though and give her the suggestions you sent for the colour of the artwork.  Stay tuned on that one!

All our signage is starting to be created.  I hope you have had time to check out the box office in Swanston Street and the beautiful skins created by JWT and installed by Evan Evans.  Looks stunning.  The banners and signs now being developed are going to look great.  Look out for the banners coming on Flinders Street station in mid/late August. And then everything else hits the streets on 21st August.

Anyone seen our posters in the ‘burbs?

Festival Manager

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