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Hello again.

Hello again. Remember me? Probably not. That’s okay. It’s Estelle Tang here – remember? I blogged for the Melbourne Writers Festival last year. ESTELLE. Okay, never mind. I’m pretty sure we went over this last time. No?

I work at Oxford University Press as an editor, and in my spare time I’m the online editor at new literary/cultural journal Kill Your Darlings. I’m also on the editorial committee of new audio journal Paper Radio. Yes, I suppose it keeps me pretty busy. What’s an online editor? Um, I commission book reviews, conduct interviews with writers and publishers for the blog, and keep the website up to date … are you falling asleep? Hey, come on now.

I also write book reviews. You … want me to prove it? Okay – that’s a bit aggressive – I occasionally write reviews for Radio National’s The Book Show and The Big Issue. And my writing has been published in harvest magazine and The Emerging Writers’ Festival Reader. What? No, I’m not … I’m flattered that you … yes, I’m sure I’m not Alice Pung.

I guess they let me blog here because of my other blog, 3000 BOOKS. I started it because I wanted to start reading more, about 50 books a year or so … oh? That’s great. Speed reading is a really important skill. 3000 a year? Wow. That’s – really something. No, I really am impressed. That’s a lot of books. What’s my favourite book? I don’t really have … yours is The Odyssey in the original Greek? That’s just super. Really.

Well, I was going to say that you’ll find me hanging around the Melbourne Writers Festival blog over the next few months, but I think I’m going to go to the bar instead. No, I’m not a lawyer … never mind.

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