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Danny Katz needs help!

The day began strangely. First, I saw an elderly woman practicing her pole-dancing at the bus stop. Second, I saw a man urinating in full view of rush-hour traffic on Footscray Rd (then had to poke my own eyes out). Third, I was nearly crushed by a Safmarine shipping container on a truck turning onto Footscray Rd and almost not taking the corner. I do love Safmarine shipping containers – they are my favourites – and if ever I see one I know it is going to be a good day.

With Danny Katz’s help, 30 June will be a good day. Danny, Melbourne’s much beloved author and columnist, seemed like the perfect person to be the ‘face’ of the festival’s end-of-financial-year fund-raising appeal. I asked him, he said yes, and then he wrote the most hilarious appeal letter I’ve ever read.

If you have ever had anything to do with the festival, and if we have your name and address, you’ll be on the list, so check your mail box in a couple of weeks for the “Danny Katz needs help” appeal letter. And then if you are amused, please make a donation (to the festival, not to Danny)! There are so many reasons to do so, but I’ll let Danny list them for you, he’s so much funnier than me.

Meanwhile, I’ve been reading. Namely, Kerry Greenwood’s latest Phryne (pronounced Fry-Knee I believe) Fisher mystery, Murder on a Midsummer Night. I always enjoy these novels, for the fabulosity of Phryne as a character, the strong sense of place and time that Ms Greenwood is so good at conjuring, and the way they are so ‘Melbourne’.

That segues nicely into the other book I’m reading, Andrea Goldsmith’s Reunion, also set in Melbourne. I’m really enjoying it, despite the unpleasant characters, of whom there’s only one I like. Can you guess which one?

Development Manager

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